Friday, February 20, 2009

Wyoming will tax your ass

CHEYENNE -- Amid some ruffled feathers and hurt feelings, the Senate Wednesday passed a bill on final reading that would overhaul the state tax on moist smokeless chewing tobacco.

House Bill 67 would impose a weight-based tax on moist chewing tobacco -- also known as "dip" -- instead of the current "ad valorem" tax based on purchase price.

The result would be a tax of 60 cents per ounce on moist tobacco products, instead of the current 20 percent tax on product price. In simple terms, that means the tax on a 1-ounce can of dip priced at $1 would rise from 20 cents to 60 cents, while the tax on a $3 can of equal weight would remain at about 60 cents.

How much can a tin really cost in Wyoming anyways? A buck? I know in West Virgina, they were basically giving it away to people. Granted it was not Skoal, but it still served its purpose. It really wouldn't matter up here in New England since Skoal is eight bucks in some places....

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