So, that being said, if you care to read through the chronicles of this chapter in my life, please feel free to and enjoy/leave comments.
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Cool like a rasta sunset.

The bus driver wrote on a misbehavior form that a 15-year-old teen passing gas on the bus on March 16 to make the other children laugh, creating a stench so bad that it was difficult to breathe. The bus driver handed the teen the suspension form the next day....(more)
Difficult to breathe. Oh man, that is so great to read.....and the kid denied it! If you get in trouble for it, you may as well own up to it. It would make for a great story in college or after.
Farting is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it is so satisfying to bore a hole in your underpants when you wake up in the morning. On the other hand, that could possibly be the most awful thing in the world when you realized some chick is next to you from the night prior. Try thinking of something to say to her when that happens.
Confucius say, Man who fart in church must sit in his own pew.
Two guys are in a locker room when one notices the other has a cork up his ass. He says, "How'd you get a cork in your ass?"
The other guy says, "I was walking along the beach and tripped over a lamp. There was a puff of smoke, and then a Big Fella in a turban came oozing out. He said, "I am Tonto, Indian Genie. I can grant you one wish."
And I said, "No shit."
With the circus surrounding Manny Ramirez's scheduled -- but scratched -- first game, Martin flew back from his World Baseball Classic engagement for Team Canada under the radar and jumped right back into the lineup for Thursday's exhibition against Team Korea.
Martin went 0-for-2 and scored a run in the game, his first with the specially fitted mouthpiece he hopes will serve a dual purpose -- to help him quit using smokeless tobacco and to relax his jaw.....(more)
Reckless spitting in public places is a very common practice in India. A large section of the population is addicted to chewing tobacco and paan and the affliction is more acute in the Northeast. There is no problem in people chewing betelnuts, locally known as tamul. It is the associated spitting in public with gay abandon that raises a question of hygiene....more
I have learned a couple things from this article. First, these callous, free-spitting Indians need their asses kicked. I can't even imagine getting spit on by some Indian dude with a hog in his mouth. I would flip out. Do these spitters apologize to their victims? Since this article does not mention these spitters getting punched in the head, I am going to assume that Indians are also passive and far too diplomatic. Maybe it is seen as an inconvenience to get spit on rather than a means for giving someone the Waterboy treatment through a wall.
Second, I believe we just located the worst job on Earth. He who cleans ye public spitoons has poor workforce skills and thus must settle for emptying gobs of thick, brown awfulness.