It seems that there was debate in the 1930's as to what a work week should be defined as. The original plan was to go with a 32 hour work week (four days), but instead it was decided to go with a 40 hour work week since most other developed countries did. Awful decision. I really feel for those who have children in all of this. Work five days, spend quality time with your kids for two days. Maybe less because you have to mow the lawn or do man stuff. I am sure that some people would kill for five day work weeks, like small business owners. Fock! Really preaching to the choir here.
I used to think that making it big time happened one of three ways (excluding the lottery)
1. Some great invention (silent velcro maybe?)
2. Pro athlete (dream over many many years ago)
3. Work yer ass off for 20 years and become the top dawg at a place of business
One and two are awesome. Three is looking like the only way out. So sad. Once again, the choir...
I still have hope for an invention. Possibly the worst invention yet? Helicopter ejection seat! It blows up the blades and sends the pilot flying through the air unharmed. Foolproof, right? Check it out
Shitty ejection seat aside (which I am thoroughly disappointed they didn't show), this thing is pretty badass.
I made it a year!!
15 years ago
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