I have come to the conclusion that my whiskey drinking is potentially worse than my previous Skoal habit, given the fact that I cannot remember the last year's worth of weekends.
While I won't quit, I think I will switch to Vodka or something for the time being. I was thinking Grey Goose and soda water? Sounds good enough; probably less unhealthy too. So for now, I bid farewell to the regularity of Jameson, seeing that the drink itself is now formally a trait that others think of when they think of me.
Maybe time for a top five best and worst drinks I've ever had?
Top 5 Best Drinks
1. Jameson - goodbye
2. Guinness - tasty at all times. Does weird things to you the morning after though
3. Red Stripe - certainly doesn't help my dancing skills, but good nonetheless
4. Car bomb - seeing that my first two items on the list are ingredients, this must be up there as well
5. PBR - don't hate, appreciate
Top 5 Worst Drinks
1. Prairie Fire - Many variations, but the one that hurt me most consisted of grain alcohol, tabasco, and pepper. Also awful with 151....
2. Natural Ice - Brutal taste, no satisfaction in drinking this beer
3. Cement Mixer - two words: Curdled Milk
4. Moonshine - no idea how I ever stomached West Virginia moonshine regularly in college
5. Cuervo - used to love it, but my taste buds now reject it
I made it a year!!
15 years ago
you are really going testing yourself now...