With no Seven Eleven tin stops.....
Honestly, things could be worse right now. I don't have much of an urge to pack a lip. Obviously, things might be tougher when I get hammered this weekend, but we'll see. I have strict orders to my buddies that they are not to peer pressure me or let me use chewing tobacco.
I was looking at dipping websites and they are some ridiculously stupid ones out there. The sad thing is that I know all of these tricks they speak of and became the master of them years ago. For example:
Move 'em around - No matter how much you hate it, learn to dip in more than just your main spot. Most dippers place their phatty about a half inch to the right or left of the center of their bottom teeth. After a year or so of dipping in the same spot you will notice that you get sores, and have a lower gum line than you used to. Learn to dip in your upper lip, and back by your mollers. I usually dip by my back teeth now because of he damage I have received from years of dipping in the same spot. Also, try to remember to alternate sides of your mouth when you dip or chew. This helps in the healing process.
Learn how to eat and drink while dipping - Learning to drink while dipping is quite simple actually. Just tighten your lip over your dip and let the beer, pop, water, etc. go over your lip and you'll have it down. Eating is another story. All I can really say about this is that it's like juggling. You have to make sure that the two items (Dip and Food) are in their own respective areas of your mouth. You have to teach your dip to share with the second most important thing to you, your food.
Pretty dumb, but that's reality for a dipper I suppose.
I made it a year!!
15 years ago