I have a raging headache and withdrawal has officially started. Not even five cups of the strongest black coffee can handle this one. It was bound to happen; I am not that invincible.
Between the sunflower seeds, occasional cigarette, gallons of coffee per day, and excessive drinking, I figured I could offset it. Time to rejiggle my formula I suppose. Maybe it is the fact that I go to bed at three in the morning every single night.
I have recently started exercising alot more, so hopefully that will help negate alot of the above. Weirdly enough, my urge to chew has not been very great. I have narrowed it down to two scenarios when I most want to chew:
1) When I am angry. Not stressed, but angry...which is pretty often in the workplace.
2) When I am hammered. Not too hammered because I know I would get a case of the spins though and throw up.
Once golf season comes around, that will get bumped up to the top of the list because,
a) I get angry because I suck
b) I get hammered on the course
c) Being outdoors makes me want to chew
d) All my friends will be chewing (yes this is a weak reason, I know, shutup)
Time for the next chew-free weekend in T minus three hours!