Swine flu is upon us. Two immediate thoughts come to mind.
1. Mexico sucks. They are a bad neighbor.
2. Welcome to the Middle Ages, part deux.
Let me explain. Well part one does not need explaining. If I were the typical numbnut American, I would blurt out something like, "God darn Mexican'ts. First they steal our jobs, then they infect our damn bacon." But I'm not. Moving on to point two.
If rats were the stars of the bubonic plague, then pigs won best supporting actresses. It is a little known fact that pigs also transmitted the disease, which infected those people who ate them. I'm not kidding. Also, did you know that swine flu also broke out into a worldwide epidemic in 1918? Did you know it killed 50-100 million people? That is insane!!! Why did I never learn this in grade school? I'd say that is pretty major. Actually, I think it was more of an Avian flu that killed swine and humans, but still! Shit I think back in year 200 something there was also another swine disease. Of course, back then a cold would kill you.
World Health Organization is about to categorize it as a pandemic. When will escaping to space be an option? If I was dying of swine flu, would I dip. You bet your ass I would.
By the way, Miss Piggy is annoying and fat.