I'm back from the depths of corporate America. So busy I couldn't even celebrate a milestone, let alone recognize it on the day.
So with that, we celebrate 100 days of not using chewing tobacco. To memorialize, let's look at the number 100 and it's significance.
* Best piece of US currency around, but the hardest to break.
* In the year 100 AD Buddhist texts were translated into Chinese. Cool.
* 10^2
* 100 degrees celcius is the boiling point of water. Hot.
* For every 100 US adults, one is behind bars. Crazy.
* 100 raging tigers are more dangerous than one.
* Wilt Chamberlain. Sick.
* If you are right 100% of the time, you are smart as fock.
* Atomic number of Fermium. Wtf is fermium?
* Dial 100 in India and you get the five-o
* The Hundred Years War must have sucked.